Monday, September 24, 2007

10 Days to Go.

I should be busy with quality reviews and peer reviews , but why do things I HAVE to do when I can waste time on a blog that shouldn't even be active yet? =P As my cubemate will attest to, it took me forever just to settle on a name. Other candidates included and (seemed a bit inappropriate).

I hate to admit I'm a rabid blogger when I put my mind to it, so I hope I'll be able to keep this pretty frequently updated. These last couple of weeks have been crazy with end-of-quarter business and buying things like Advil and jeans (believe it or not, I have only had one working pair for the last year or so). Things I'm excited about:

  • Corporate apartments in Beijing
  • Energetic office in Beijing
  • Mind-numbingly good food
  • Meeting interesting people
  • Seeing interesting things
  • KARAOKE-ing
Things I'm worried about:
  • My terrible language skills
  • Doing a good job
  • The pollution (I'm asthmatic)
  • Harsh Beijing winter - though if it's anything like Boston, I guess I'm prepared.
  • Forgetting to take something important
That's that. More later.

1 comment:

BL said...

slim, i expect lots of pictures of food. i'll be in your parts dec/jan i think!